Crystals Meanings

Throughout this website you will find information and guidance on many  Crystals. We have provided this information to help you choose whatever you feel you need at this time.. If you are unsure please do not hesitate to contact us for help.

Please note: – Information on this web site is no substitute for consulting a health care professional.  Crystal meanings & spiritual healing information is presented as spiritual support to healing & other aspects of life.  You may wish to consult with your doctor or licensed medical practitioner before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs.

It is important to clean all crystals regularly (especially after healing) and then recharge them.

METHOD OF CLEANING: Running under water ( unless specified ), Return to the Earth,  Salt, Smudging,  Crystal Recharging

METHOD OF RECHARGING: Sunlight, Moonlight,  Crystal Cluster

A - Z of Crystal Meanings

Atlantasite - Atlantasite Atlantasite is a combination of green Serpentine and purple Stichtite. Connected to Atlantis, it brings peace into any situation and helps us to think before we speak, lowers our stress levels and clears and… Read more
Aura Quartz Family - Aura Quartz Family The Aura quartz is quartz that has been enhanced with a combination of titanium and niobium. Metal-coated crystals are natural crystals, such as quartz, However to get the effect their  surface is… Read more
Aventurine - Aventurine – Green /Green Fuchsite / Orange / Pink Hematite Aventurine has a history of being being used to bring in good fortune. Blue and Green Aventurine are two of  ‘the stones of abundance’ that… Read more
Azurite - Azurite Azurite is a powerful healer, helps in eliminating fears and phobias, stress, grief , worry and sadness. This stones assists in raising consciousness and developing our psychic and intuitive ability, taking it  to a… Read more
Barite - Barite Barite is beneficial for platonic friendships and encourages intimacy and insight into relationships of all kinds. This stone supports the memory and encourages efficient functioning of the brain, heightening your ability to organise and… Read more
Beryl - Beryl Beryl helps us to be more courageous, positive in our attitude, and helps us eliminate anxiety by discouraging over-analyzing..   It is the perfect stone in helping us to let go of unnecessary baggage. Healing:… Read more
Bloodstone - Bloodstone Bloodstone is an excellent blood cleanser and a powerful healer. It also assists in  heightening our intuition and is an excellent grounding and protecting stone. In ancient times, it was believed to have mystical… Read more
Brandenburg - Brandenburg Brandenburg's vibration is so high it easily connects to the immensity of your spiritual being. It is perfect for deep soul healing and helps with forgiveness on many levels..... the mental, psychological, emotional and… Read more