Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz represents unconditional love, heart energy,healing, forgiveness and peace. This well known pale pink stone attracts love to you and from you.  Brings self-love & acceptance.  It helps to raise our self-esteem, restore our confidence and balance our emotions.  It is also one of the best crystals to use for positive self-affirmations.  Releases unexpressed emotions & heartache.  Comforts grief.  Encourages self-forgiveness and trust.

Healing: Heart, circulation, kidneys & adrenals.

Chakra: Heart




Rhodonite carries a powerful vibration that helps with emotional healing, forgiveness, and compassion. It helps in the releasing of fear.  It manifests positive energy.  Nurtures, supports, encourage love & the ability to see both sides of the issue.  A known first aid stone – heals emotional shock & trauma. It clears away emotional wounds, scars from the past, helps in the releasing of resentment and anger.  It encourages forgiveness. A good stone to wear if trying to recover from a broken heart as it helps us to heal and learn to love again.

Healing:  Powerful wound healer than can helps in the reduction of scarring. Helps in Promoting bone growth, good for arthritis, autoimmune disease, stomach ulcers & M.S.

Chakra: Heart & Base



Orgonite  Often sold in the shape of pyramids

Orgonite is an amazing substance, formed from resin, metals, and quartz and it is based on Wilhelm Reich’s scientific research culminating in the existence of what he termed orgone energy.

Place in your home or work space, and you will love the results.

Orgonite is a source of Orgone Energy, also refereed to as prana, life force, ki, chi, mana, and universal energy.  Orgone Energy is believed to assist in spiritual healing and protect from negative energy.

Orgonite is a must in our home and work area as it assists in protecting us  from the effects of harmful EMF radiation.

This amazing substance converts negative or stagnant bioelectric energy into positive energy. What makes it even more effective is the addition of the quartz crystal. As the Orgonite shrinks during the curing process, it compresses the crystal. This causes a piezoelectric effect. In simple terms, the crystal becomes electrically polarized. And this enhances its use as a positive energy generator.


  • Place it next to your computer, laptop, Wi-Fi router or other electronic devices. This will help in protecting you from dangerous EMF radiation.
  • Place in and around your home to create a positive, balanced environment.



Onyx is often regarded as a secretive stone that helps you keep your own counsel and holds the memories of things that have happened to the wearer, making it a useful tool for psychometry, past life work and healing old grief, sorrows and injuries.This deep, dark stone proves support and wisdom if we are going through a difficult time , by centering our energy and helping us in making the correct decisions.  Onyx helps to promotes vigour, steadfastness and stamina, aids us by imparting self-confidence, helps us to be at  ease in our surroundings and balances the yin and yang within our body.  It anchors flighty people, helping them to become more stable which in turn assists with self-control

Healing:  Onyx benefits teeth, bones, bone marrow, blood disorders and the feet

Chakra:  ALL





Obsidian is a fast acting, powerful stone without boundaries or limitations that is strongly grounding, protective and shields us against all negativity. It draws out constricting beliefs, emotional blockages and ancient traumas, calms stress, brings peace and creates deep soul healing.  Obsidian brings you face to face with your shadow side and teaches you how to integrate it, helping you to know who you truly are.

It also helps us to see within ourselves behavioral patterning that are now outworn and outdated.  Nothing can be hidden from Obsidian and it impels us to grow, lending solid support to do so, encouraging exploration of the unknown and opening new horizons.  It is helpful for highly sensitive people, especially empath’s,  as it blocks psychic attack, removes negative spiritual influence, anchors the spirit into the body, promotes compassion and strength and gives confidence and ease to face that which is still unknown.

Healing: Obsidian reveals the cause of dis-ease.  It aids the digestion and detoxifies and dissolves blockages and tension in the physical and subtle bodies. It benefits the circulation, warms the extremities and can be used to shrink an enlarged prostate.

Chakra:  Base



Mookaite provides a protective energy that helps to block unwanted outside influences, is a physically stabilizing stone that fortifies the immune system, heals wounds and purifies the blood. Mookaite Grounds the whole body, and provides a protective energy that helps to block unwanted outside influences, It brings peace and wholeness, a nurturing stone that supports us during stressful times.

Healing:  Mookaite is beneficial for general health and well-being, self-esteem,and also helps us if we are struggling with depression. It also aids the thyroid and metabolism.

Chakra: Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus

Colours:  Multi-coloured, usually combinations of Cream, Brown, Green, Red, Yellow





Moldavite was formed when a giant meteorite struck the earth and is a fusion of extra- terrestrial and earth energies. Just holding this powerful stone can trigger downloads of energy or information which may accelerate spiritual growth and the raising of personal vibrations but may take some time to come to consciousness.  Its lack of crystalline structure takes you beyond your limits and boundaries.  It enhances the effect of other crystals, taking them to their highest vibration.  We need to make sure we are grounded when holding this amazing stone as it’s high vibration can send us into a bit of a spin making us feel spaced out . At first it is sometimes best to wear for a short time each day so we can adjust to its vibration.

Note:  Moldavite contains toxic material and is best used tumbled. Wash hands after use.

Healing:  Moldavite can be used as a tool for diagnosis and makes one aware of the cause and source of dis-ease, then supports the releasing and healing process.  People who dislike its deep green colour may have hidden emotional trauma which needs to surface and be healed.

Chakra:Third Eye, Throat, Crown



Merlinite has magical attributes that help blend spiritual and earthly vibrations together, grounding them in the body and helps to access knowledge of spiritual and shamanic realms that it holds, including reading the Akashic record. This stone is attuned to all the elements. It clears blockages , bringing about profound change and brings magic and luck into your life.

Spiritually a stone of equilibrium,  merlinite’s dual colouring brings balance and harmony to masculine and feminine energies, conscious and unconscious, intellect and intuition and turns. negative experiences into positive learning.

Note:  Merlinite contains toxic material and is best used tumbled. Wash hands after use.

Healing:  Merlinite promotes the circulation of energy and oxygen around the body. It slows processes down or stimulates as appropriate, increases energy flow along the spine and through the brain, harmonies the nervous system, balances masculine and feminine energies, supports the respiratory and circulatory systems, intestines and heart.  A great ally to any Crystal Healer

Chakra: ALL



Magnetite possesses powerful positive and negative magnetic qualities creating dual actions of energizing or calming, attracting or repelling and balancing and can be used as magnetic therapy on the biomagnetic field and meridians, and in earth healing.  It attracts love, commitment and loyalty, balances the intellect with the emotions, bringing inner stability and helps to find a balanced perspective. This stone alleviates fear, anger, grief and over-attachment and brings in tenacity and endurance and shows a way out of a difficult situation. It acts as a grounding stone, connecting to earth energies and aligns the chakras and the meridians of the subtle and etheric bodies, Magnetite aids telepathy, meditation and visualization and brings trust in your own intuitions.

Note:    Magnetite contains toxic material and is best used tumbled. Wash hands after use.

Healing:  Magnetite is a powerful healer as it is an anti-inflammatory, helps to heal muscle strains and cramp, stimulates sluggish organs and sedates over-active. Is highly beneficial for asthma, as well as the blood and circulatory system, skin and hair.Use for nose bleeds. Magnetite provides the healing energy necessary for recovery.

Chakra: Aligns ALL




Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings & encourages us to accept our intuition.  It encourages hope, enhances feminine energies, sensitivity, intuition & psychic abilities.  Moonstone is associated with the Crown Chakra and can helps to calms our emotions in times of stress. Is calming for hyperactive children.  Encourages lucid dreaming, especially at times of full moon. Traditionally used to enhance psychic abilities and to develop clairvoyance, it aids empathy and dreaming, but may induce illusions in sensitive people.

Note:  Moonstone contains toxic material and is best used tumbled. Wash hands after use.

Healing: Helps the digestive system and is also excellent for PMS, pregnancy & childbirth.

Chakra: Sacral, Heart, Crown & Third Eye