

Zircon helps you to recognize you are a spiritual being on a human journey.  Zircon overcomes racism, prejudice, discrimination, victimization, homophobia and misogyny in any lifetime. Was traditionally known as a Stone of Virtue, it promotes letting go of old love, opening to new love and teaches constancy, promotes unconditional love for yourself and others  .  Zircon is know to have been  used to protect against robbery, disease, bodily harm and lightning and also in overcoming jealousy and possessiveness.

NOTE: Avoid if you wear a pacemaker or are epileptic  as it will cause dizziness. Cubic Zircon (the man-made form) has considerably diluted powers.

Healing:  Zircon is beneficial for synergy, sciatica, cramp, insomnia, depression, bones, muscles, vertigo, liver.

Chakra: depends on colour



Zoisite  (Ruby in Zoisite most popular availability)

Zoisite brings to the surface repressed feelings and emotions so that they can be expressed. This stone helps with recovery from severe illnesses or stress,  dispels lethargy, transmutes negative energies into positive ones,  bringing the mind back to its objectives after an interruption and aids in manifesting one’s own ideas rather than being influenced by others or trying to conform to the norm.

Healing: Zoisite is a detoxifier, neutralizing over-acidification and reducing inflammation.  This stone strengthens the immune system and regenerated cells and treats the heart, spleen, pancreas and lungs.  When combined with Ruby, it increases potency.

Chakra: Sacral,crown




Variscite is  a stone of encouragement, bringing hope and courage, making it extremely useful for illness and invalids, encouraging them to continue despite the illness and helping carers to deal with the dis-ease an illness can create, is an energizer that restores depleted energy.

It calms nervousness, brings a peaceful heart and supports sobriety.

Opening the heart chakra, it brings in unconditional love and facilitates moving out of deep despair into hope and trust. Doing away with pretense, you can show yourself to the world exactly as you are.

Variscite is extremely helpful for past life exploration and facilitates visual images of past life experiences.  Conversely, Variscite’s lively energy prevents becoming too serious. It aids clear thinking, increases perception, helps in self-expression and the communication of ideas and aids peaceful sleep and an untroubled mind.

Healing:  Variscite heals the nervous system; treats abdominal distention, constricted blood flow, neutralizes over-acidification and aids gout, gastritis, ulcers, rheumatism and relieves cramp.

Chakra: Third Eye




Unakite  balances emotions with spirituality. It brings a calm gentle energy and protects us from the harmful effects of electromagnetic pollution from television sets and other EMF sources. It opens and promotes visualization and psychic vision and enables past life healing, going back to the source of a problem and reframing it. This stone provides grounding when it is needed. A stone of vision, Unakite facilitates re-birthing, revealing and integrating insights on past blockages and gently releasing conditions that inhibit spiritual and psychological growth.

Healing:  Unakite helps us recovery from a major illness.  It treats the reproductive system,  aiding in a healthy pregnancy.. Unakite reaches the root cause of dis-ease at whatever level it occurs, bringing it to the surface so that it can be transformed.

Chakra:  Third Eye




Topaz , a traditional stone of good fortune and good health helps us tap into our inner riches and to share our good fortune and spread sunshine throughout the world.  This vibrant crystal brings joy, generosity, empathy and abundance . Promotes openness, honesty truth and forgiveness . Emotionally stabilizing, Topaz makes you receptive to love and supports affirmations, manifestation and visualization. Topaz sharpens the mind, cuts through doubt and uncertainty and assists in problem solving, sheds light on the path, helping to attain goals.

Directing energy to where it is needed most, Topaz soothes, heals, stimulates, recharges and re- motivates.

Healing:   Aligns the meridans of the body, cleans the aura, induces relaxation, releases tension at any level.

Chakras: Solar Plexus, Third Eye



Turquoise is an all-round environmental healer and cleanser, dispelling negative energy, clearing electromagnetic smog and protecting against environmental pollutants.  This beautiful stone has been used for century’s as an amulet, to balance and align all the chakras, stabilize mood swings, stimulate romantic love and bring empathy. It is an excellent stone for exhaustion, depression or panic attacks.

Healing: Turquoise is anti-inflammatory and detoxifyer.  It strengthens the meridians and the subtle energy fields, enhances the physical and psychic immune systems and regenerates tissue, supports the assimilation of nutrients, alleviates pollution and viral infections, and heals the whole body, especially the eyes including cataracts.

Chakra:  Throat, Third Eye, Solar Plexus.






Triplite is highly energetic, boosting the flow of kundalini and Qi throughout the body, it stimulates the base and sacral chakras and enhances the flow of life force to all parts of the body, physical and subtle. A great stone for the Crystal Healer this stone knows exactly where to go to help and knows exactly what each individual person needs.  Triplite tunes into you and re – calibrates your energy and kick-starts creativity.

By placing a brown or black Triplite below the feet, a red on the base chakra and an orange on the sacred, they shoots energy up through the heart and into the top of the head.  Place a clear quarts at crown and a grounding stone at base, the energy then flows down around the aura to enclose and boost the bio magnetic field.

Triplite assists you to manifest whatever you desire or most need for your spiritual development.

Rich in manganese, a powerful antioxidant and metabolic function regulator, Triplite shares properties with Rhodochrosite, another manganese rich crystal and keeps the etheric heart healthy. It is also rich in iron, supporting the circulatory system, liver and spleen. Bi-coloured Triplite assists in harmonising dualities and balancing blood pressure and physiological processes. Correct balance of manganese is essential for correct bone development, tissue repair and assimilation of minerals within the body. Triplite energetically assists in maintaining mineral balance within the body and is excellent for overcoming depletion and severe fatigue.

Following a course of radiotherapy, Triplite helps to detox the body, clearing out the remnants of the radiation and the debris from the disease. Holding a piece begins the healing, lying in a Triplite and Smoky Quartz grid for fifteen minutes. It cleanses, readjusts and soothes the whole system.

Tourmaline (Colours)

Tourmaline Colors :

Blue Tourmaline (Indicolite)

Blue Tourmaline helps activate the throat and third eye and aids psychic awareness, dissolves sadness and blocked feelings, bringing them up gently to the surface for healing.

Used in healing, bright Blue Tourmaline is a useful diagnostic tool, identifying underlying causes of dis-ease. Traditionally used on the throat, larynx, lungs, oesophagus and eyes, it also treats kidney, bladder, thymus and thyroid, and chronic sore throat and is helpful for insomnia, night sweats, sinusitis, bacterial infections, pulmonary and immune systems and the brain, and balances fluid imbalances.

Watermelon Tourmaline : (pink enfolded in green)

This lovely combination of pink and green colouring Watermelon Tourmaline activate the heart chakra, fostering love, tenderness and friendship, treating emotional dysfunction, releasing old pain and helping to find the joy in situations.   It encourages patience, alleviates depression and fear, promotes inner security and assists understanding, making it beneficial for relationships. This stone links to the higher self and teaches tact and diplomacy.  In healing, Watermelon Tourmaline encourages regeneration of the nerves, especially in paralysis or multiple sclerosis, treats stress and dissolves any resistance to becoming whole once more.


Tourmaline (Black)

Tourmaline (Black)

Tourmaline : Black  (Schorl)

Black Tourmaline is in my opinion a MUST HAVE  in your collection as it is a powerful stone at deflecting negative energies, protecting against EMFs radiation and geopollutants and can be taped to mobile phones or placed next to computers or other sources of EMF. It also protects from psychic attack, ‘spells’ and ill-wishing and negative energies of all kinds and clears negative thoughts, encouraging a positive attitude no matter what the circumstances. It is a quick and effective grounder, dispersing tension and stress and increasing physical vitality.  Its deflecting qualities turn back anger, ill-wishing and attack and defend against debilitating disease. Schorl promotes a laid-back attitude and objective neutrality with clear, rational thought processes and stimulates altruism and practical creativity. It strengthens the immune system, treats dyslexia and arthritis, provides pain relief and realigns the spinal column.

 Healing:  The striations along the side of Tourmaline enhance energy flow making it an excellent stone for healing, energy enhancement and removal of blockages. Each of the different colours of Tourmaline has its own specific healing ability.

Chakra:  Clears and balances all

Colors:   Black, brown, green, pink, red, yellow, blue, watermelon, blue-green

Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye

Tiger’s Eye is a stone of protection, grounding, good fortune,  and will lift our mood as it has the connection to the high vibrational energies of the sun, drawing spiritual energies to earth. Tiger Eye helps us to accomplish our goals and brings clarity of intention and integrity. It was traditionally carried as a talisman against the evil eye and shows the correct and wise use of power.  This stone facilitates change, creates opportunities, heals mental dis-ease and personality disorders, and helps to resolve dilemmas and internal conflicts.  Tigers Eye heals issues of self-worth and self-criticism, assists recognizing faults that need overcoming and supports an addictive personality to making changes. It alleviates depression, lifts moods, enhances psychic abilities in earthy people and balances the lower chakras, stimulating the rise of the kundalini energy.

Healing: Tigers Eye treats the eyes, helps with night visions,  the throat, reproductive organs and dissolves constrictions.  It also assist with  repair of broken bones.

Chakra:  Solar Plexus, Third Eye, helps in the  balances of the lower chakras