Cleansing Prayer

Cleansing Prayer

This is the Cleansing Prayer to use each day before you retire. It will cleanse your aura from anything it has picked up during the day. Each day we come into contact with others. Riding on a bus , tram , train, ,going into a shopping center. all around us we are surrounded by the vibration and energy field of all who come into a close proximity to our own field.

We must recognize the need to cleanse our vibrational field on a daily basis, especially when we get home. The Cleansing Prayer will release all negativity on all levels.

Learn it off by heart and say it daily.




Unakite  balances emotions with spirituality. It brings a calm gentle energy and protects us from the harmful effects of electromagnetic pollution from television sets and other EMF sources. It opens and promotes visualization and psychic vision and enables past life healing, going back to the source of a problem and reframing it. This stone provides grounding when it is needed. A stone of vision, Unakite facilitates re-birthing, revealing and integrating insights on past blockages and gently releasing conditions that inhibit spiritual and psychological growth.

Healing:  Unakite helps us recovery from a major illness.  It treats the reproductive system,  aiding in a healthy pregnancy.. Unakite reaches the root cause of dis-ease at whatever level it occurs, bringing it to the surface so that it can be transformed.

Chakra:  Third Eye



Turquoise is an all-round environmental healer and cleanser, dispelling negative energy, clearing electromagnetic smog and protecting against environmental pollutants.  This beautiful stone has been used for century’s as an amulet, to balance and align all the chakras, stabilize mood swings, stimulate romantic love and bring empathy. It is an excellent stone for exhaustion, depression or panic attacks.

Healing: Turquoise is anti-inflammatory and detoxifyer.  It strengthens the meridians and the subtle energy fields, enhances the physical and psychic immune systems and regenerates tissue, supports the assimilation of nutrients, alleviates pollution and viral infections, and heals the whole body, especially the eyes including cataracts.

Chakra:  Throat, Third Eye, Solar Plexus.



Tourmaline (Black)

Tourmaline (Black)

Tourmaline : Black  (Schorl)

Black Tourmaline is in my opinion a MUST HAVE  in your collection as it is a powerful stone at deflecting negative energies, protecting against EMFs radiation and geopollutants and can be taped to mobile phones or placed next to computers or other sources of EMF. It also protects from psychic attack, ‘spells’ and ill-wishing and negative energies of all kinds and clears negative thoughts, encouraging a positive attitude no matter what the circumstances. It is a quick and effective grounder, dispersing tension and stress and increasing physical vitality.  Its deflecting qualities turn back anger, ill-wishing and attack and defend against debilitating disease. Schorl promotes a laid-back attitude and objective neutrality with clear, rational thought processes and stimulates altruism and practical creativity. It strengthens the immune system, treats dyslexia and arthritis, provides pain relief and realigns the spinal column.

 Healing:  The striations along the side of Tourmaline enhance energy flow making it an excellent stone for healing, energy enhancement and removal of blockages. Each of the different colours of Tourmaline has its own specific healing ability.

Chakra:  Clears and balances all

Colors:   Black, brown, green, pink, red, yellow, blue, watermelon, blue-green

Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye

Tiger’s Eye is a stone of protection, grounding, good fortune,  and will lift our mood as it has the connection to the high vibrational energies of the sun, drawing spiritual energies to earth. Tiger Eye helps us to accomplish our goals and brings clarity of intention and integrity. It was traditionally carried as a talisman against the evil eye and shows the correct and wise use of power.  This stone facilitates change, creates opportunities, heals mental dis-ease and personality disorders, and helps to resolve dilemmas and internal conflicts.  Tigers Eye heals issues of self-worth and self-criticism, assists recognizing faults that need overcoming and supports an addictive personality to making changes. It alleviates depression, lifts moods, enhances psychic abilities in earthy people and balances the lower chakras, stimulating the rise of the kundalini energy.

Healing: Tigers Eye treats the eyes, helps with night visions,  the throat, reproductive organs and dissolves constrictions.  It also assist with  repair of broken bones.

Chakra:  Solar Plexus, Third Eye, helps in the  balances of the lower chakras




Over two billion years old,  found only in Russia,  Shungite has phenomenal shielding and purifying power that arises from its unique formation. It protects against radiation, electromagnetic and geopathic stress, microwave and other vibrational emissions and the dis-eases these can create.

There has been much research on this amazing stone that shows it absorbs pesticides, free radicals, bacteria, and viruses . When placed in water for several hours, it removes harmful micro-organisms and pollutants, transforming the water into a biologically active life-enhancing substance. Shungite clears out mental or emotional pollutants, restores emotional equilibrium and transmutes stress into a potent energetic recharge.

Shungite boosts physical well-being and has a powerful effect on the immune system. With a powerful link to ancient earth energies, Shungite restores ley lines and the earth’s meridians, grounds spiritual energies into the body and anchors the body to the earth. It is highly supportive during metaphysical work of all kinds, creating a protective shield, and is said to enhance prophecy.

Note:  Shungite is a rapid absorber of negative energy and pollutants and so it needs to be cleansed frequently

Healing: Shungite is a traditional cure-all, said to assist cellular metabolism, neurotransmitters, immune, digestive and filtration systems; enhance enzyme production and provide pain relief. It is a detoxifier, antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine. Shungite Water treats sore throats, burns, cardio-vascular diseases, blood disorders, allergies, asthma, gastric disturbances, diabetes, arthritis and osteoarthritis, kidney and liver disorders, gall-bladder dysfunction, auto-immune diseases, pancreatic disorders,  and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Shungite Water:

Shungite water has been used long ago to treat skin illnesses. There is a spring  (Three Ivans)  on the territory of Zaonezhsky peninsula in Lake Onega. The local residents regard the spring as sacred. Many people have been coming to it for treatment in spite of its accessibility. The water in the lake is crystal clean.

In a modern world, shungite is widely used in various fields including metallurgical and chemical industries, agriculture, medicine, and spirituality, to name but a few. The brightest properties of shungite that made shungite famous all over the world are water purification, physical and spiritual healing, and protection against electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation that is surrounding us in the form of gadgets in the modern days.

Shungite has a unique structure consisting of fullerenes, which is a crystalline modification of carbon. Fullerenes are considered as one of the most powerful antioxidants that protects cells of a human body from the damaging effects of free radicals and spherical fullerene molecules contained in the shungite carbon make it extremely useful in cosmetic medicine and beauty culture.

Therefore, shungite is capable of reducing the effects of EMF radiation, neutralizing geopathic stress and tension, activating healing properties of the human body and providing physical and spiritual healing to a person using it. All these properties contribute to the fact that this magical stone is so popular all over the world.



Orgonite  Often sold in the shape of pyramids

Orgonite is an amazing substance, formed from resin, metals, and quartz and it is based on Wilhelm Reich’s scientific research culminating in the existence of what he termed orgone energy.

Place in your home or work space, and you will love the results.

Orgonite is a source of Orgone Energy, also refereed to as prana, life force, ki, chi, mana, and universal energy.  Orgone Energy is believed to assist in spiritual healing and protect from negative energy.

Orgonite is a must in our home and work area as it assists in protecting us  from the effects of harmful EMF radiation.

This amazing substance converts negative or stagnant bioelectric energy into positive energy. What makes it even more effective is the addition of the quartz crystal. As the Orgonite shrinks during the curing process, it compresses the crystal. This causes a piezoelectric effect. In simple terms, the crystal becomes electrically polarized. And this enhances its use as a positive energy generator.


  • Place it next to your computer, laptop, Wi-Fi router or other electronic devices. This will help in protecting you from dangerous EMF radiation.
  • Place in and around your home to create a positive, balanced environment.