Super 7

Super 7

Super 7  

Super 7 is a combination of 7 crystals……… Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Clear Quartz, Geothite, Rutile, Smokey Quartz, and Lepidocrocite.

these 7 crystals give it it’s high vibration and incorporates spiritual, protective, cleansing, grounding and energy-amplifying qualities. It has exceptional clarity and spiritual power, and is helping to shift the vibratory level of the planet and everything upon it.

Attuned to the highest sources of guidance and inspiration, meditating with Super 7 facilitates easy access. It heals physical, intellectual and spiritual dis-ease and brings the soul back into communication with the divine reminding us that we too, are part of a whole. Super 7 soothes and nurtures the emotions and activates and aligns all the chakras and the subtle bodies to the highest spiritual vibrations, activating spiritual gifts and enhancing metaphysical working of all kinds. It supports and heightens the vibration of other crystals and is extremely effective for healing the planetary grid, stimulating self-healing and opening to new spiritual realities.

Colours:  Deep purple, orange, red and brown

Healing: Super 7 stimulates the body’s natural healing system, heals cellular memory, harmonises the body, supports the immune system, skin and bones

Chakra: Activates and aligns all



Sugilite represents spiritual love and wisdom, opens all the chakras to the flow of love, encourages loving communication brings light and love into the darkest situations, alleviating sorrow, grief, fears and hostility, it fosters forgiveness and overcomes conflict without either party having to compromise.

This stone is helpful for sensitive people and light workers, helping them to adapt to the earth vibration whilst maintaining a high emotional vibration. Sugilite brings spiritual awareness and promotes channeling ability, reminding the soul of its reasons for incarnating and teaching how to live from your truth. It is a useful accompaniment to spiritual quests of all kinds.

Healing:  Sugilite  brings the nerves and brain into alignment, relieves pain and clears headaches and discomfort at all levels.

Chakra:Heart, Third Eye





Over two billion years old,  found only in Russia,  Shungite has phenomenal shielding and purifying power that arises from its unique formation. It protects against radiation, electromagnetic and geopathic stress, microwave and other vibrational emissions and the dis-eases these can create.

There has been much research on this amazing stone that shows it absorbs pesticides, free radicals, bacteria, and viruses . When placed in water for several hours, it removes harmful micro-organisms and pollutants, transforming the water into a biologically active life-enhancing substance. Shungite clears out mental or emotional pollutants, restores emotional equilibrium and transmutes stress into a potent energetic recharge.

Shungite boosts physical well-being and has a powerful effect on the immune system. With a powerful link to ancient earth energies, Shungite restores ley lines and the earth’s meridians, grounds spiritual energies into the body and anchors the body to the earth. It is highly supportive during metaphysical work of all kinds, creating a protective shield, and is said to enhance prophecy.

Note:  Shungite is a rapid absorber of negative energy and pollutants and so it needs to be cleansed frequently

Healing: Shungite is a traditional cure-all, said to assist cellular metabolism, neurotransmitters, immune, digestive and filtration systems; enhance enzyme production and provide pain relief. It is a detoxifier, antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine. Shungite Water treats sore throats, burns, cardio-vascular diseases, blood disorders, allergies, asthma, gastric disturbances, diabetes, arthritis and osteoarthritis, kidney and liver disorders, gall-bladder dysfunction, auto-immune diseases, pancreatic disorders,  and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Shungite Water:

Shungite water has been used long ago to treat skin illnesses. There is a spring  (Three Ivans)  on the territory of Zaonezhsky peninsula in Lake Onega. The local residents regard the spring as sacred. Many people have been coming to it for treatment in spite of its accessibility. The water in the lake is crystal clean.

In a modern world, shungite is widely used in various fields including metallurgical and chemical industries, agriculture, medicine, and spirituality, to name but a few. The brightest properties of shungite that made shungite famous all over the world are water purification, physical and spiritual healing, and protection against electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation that is surrounding us in the form of gadgets in the modern days.

Shungite has a unique structure consisting of fullerenes, which is a crystalline modification of carbon. Fullerenes are considered as one of the most powerful antioxidants that protects cells of a human body from the damaging effects of free radicals and spherical fullerene molecules contained in the shungite carbon make it extremely useful in cosmetic medicine and beauty culture.

Therefore, shungite is capable of reducing the effects of EMF radiation, neutralizing geopathic stress and tension, activating healing properties of the human body and providing physical and spiritual healing to a person using it. All these properties contribute to the fact that this magical stone is so popular all over the world.




Sodalite is an excellent stone, stimulates thought, freeing mental rigidity, eliminating confusion, clarifying perceptions, creating space to put new insights in practice, encouraging assimilation of new information, good for group work, bringing harmony & solidarity of purpose.  Stimulates trust & inter-dependence. It increases intelligence, knowledge & learning.  Calms panic attacks, releases negative emotions of guilt, fear & control issues.

Sodalite is a stone that is good for healing breaches in communication.  It is a stone of truth and brings this to all communications.  It increases intelligence, knowledge & learning.  Unites logic with intuition.  Stimulates pineal gland & third eye.  Installs a drive for truth so you can remain true to yourself  and your beliefs. This stone clears electromagnetic pollution and is helpful for people who are sensitive to ‘sick building syndrome’. It brings harmony, trust and solidarity of purpose to groups.

Healing: Balances metabolism, calcium deficiencies, cleanses lymphatic glands and boosts the immune system.  Helpful for digestive issues, throat conditions, and cools fevers & lowers blood pressure.

Chakra: Throat & Third Eye


Smoky quartz

Smoky quartz

Smoky quartz is an excellent stone for grounding, and protecting, especially in time of stress. Is a stabilizing stone that brings centering energies, is a strong detoxifyer and negative energy absorber,  it purifies and re-energizes you and your environment. It helps us to overcome negative emotions, such as stress, fear, jealousy, anger and even feelings of depression. Aid us in acceptance of the physical body and the sexual nature.  Eliminates and detoxes on all levels.

Smoky Quartz is a gently grounding and anchoring stone that instills a deep sense of relaxation into the physical and mental body. It is particularly helpful during emotional trauma or stress, bringing tolerance, equanimity and resolve.  A strong detoxifyer and negative energy absorber, Smoky Quartz purifies and re-energies you and your environment. it has a strong link with the earth promoting environment awareness and solutions and is protective, blocking geopathic stress and electromagnetic smog. It brings common sense and clear insight to problems, dissolves contradictions and fear of failure and teaches how to leave behind anything that no longer serves.

Healing: Excellent for treating radiation-related illness of chemotherapy.  Promotes pain relief.  Good for ailments of abdomen, hips & legs, relieve pain, headaches.

Chakra: Base, Earth Star & Crown



Selenite is excellent for repairing and re-energizing the aura .  Excellent for meditation or spiritual work, it takes you into pure light, bringing clarity of mind, opening the crown and higher crown chakras and accessing angelic consciousness and higher guidance. Pure Selenite is a link to the light body, helping to anchor it in the earth vibration and is said to occupy the space between light and matter.

Selenite is one of the few minerals that have the ability to quickly unblock stagnant energy and remove negative energy.  It greatly magnifies the energy of any other stone that is placed upon it.  Brings clarity of mind allowing to higher Angelic understanding. Selenite calms, instills deep peace and helps to pinpoints lessons and issues that are still unfinished and how to work on them.  Clears confusion and it helps us to see clearly.  Helping us to be non-judgemental is another one of its gifts. Stabilizes emotions, is protecting, brings peace, and clarity of mind, repairs and re-energizes the aura.

Healing: Aligns spinal column promoting flexibility.  Neutralizes poisoning from dental amalgam.  Excellent for breastfeeding.

Chakra:  Highest Crown, Soul Star, Stellar Gateway





Phenacite is a purifying and integrating crystal with one of the highest vibrations yet discovered, connecting personal consciousness to a high frequency, including the Ascended Masters and angelic realms. This amazing stone has the ability to bring those spiritual vibrations down to earth. It has a strong connection with all the chakras, teaching how to heal and activate them all, and in particular stimulates the third eye and activates the higher crown chakra.

Brazilian Phenacite is said to have its own ‘Crystal Guardian’,  Resonating with the etheric body, it activates the light body and aids the ascension process, heals the soul and purifies the subtle and physical bodies to provide a suitable vehicle for it. Madagascan Phenacite is inter-dimensional .  Its energies are only available to those who have prepared themselves by shifting their personal vibration to a higher level.

Healing: Phenacite subtly activates healing from the etheric body to the physical, healing the etheric blueprint when necessary as a prerequisite for physical healing.  It amplifies the energy of other healing crystals and downloads information from the Akashic Record via the etheric blueprint so that dis-ease from any source can be identified and released.

Chakra: Activates all





Peridot assists us when there is a need for detaching from outside influences, letting go of blame, people or the past, assists finding the gift in experiences, forgiving yourself for your mistakes and moving on and looking to one’s own higher energies for guidance. A powerful emotional cleanser, releasing negative patterns and old vibrations for a new frequency to be accessed.

If you have done the psychological work, Peridot assists you to move forward rapidly. This visionary ally helps us understand our destiny and spiritual purpose and is attuned to the attainment of spiritual truth. It is particularly helpful to healers and protects the aura

Peridot sharpens the mind and opens it to new levels of awareness, bringing clarity and well-being, enhances confidence and assertion without aggression and greatly improves difficult relationships. Peridot brings about necessary change, is a stone of financial and spiritual abundance, releasing toxic thought patterns and feelings that underlie poverty consciousness and old habits such as over spending or being miserly, assists in budgeting and sorting out a financial mess, bringing confidence to do so.

Healing: Peridot has a tonic effect.  It heals and regenerate tissues. It strengthens the metabolism and benefits the skin. Peridot aids the heart, thymus, lungs, gall bladder, spleen, intestinal tract, and ulcers.   Its energy balances manic depression and overcomes hypochondria.

Chakra: Heart, Solar Plexus






Rhodochrosite resonates with the heart, teaching it not to shut down when hurt and represents selfless love and compassion. This stone helps us when we feel unloved, attracting a soulmate for our higher good.  It helps us to face the truth with loving awareness, without excuses or evasion.  It also has spontaneous, dynamic quality, that can lift moods to a positive attitude towards life and encourages spontaneous expression of feelings, including passionate. This stone clears the solar plexus and base chakras.

Healing:  Rhodochrosite purifies the circulatory system and kidneys,  normalizes blood pressure and stabilizes the heartbeat, and acts as an irritant filter and aids asthma and respiratory problems.  As it dilates blood vessels, it relieves migraine.

Chakra:Heart, Solar Plexus. Base, Sacral

Ruby in Fuchsite

Ruby in Fuchsite

Ruby in Fuchsite merged as one creates the perfect Heart Stone.  Ruby Fuchsite help to clear any blockage of the Heart Chakra and fill the void with positive, loving energies. This combination helps in the opening and enhancement of psychic awareness, and is also good to work with in soul healing and past life work.  Ruby in Fuchsite amplifies the bio-magnetic field around the body and is also greatly beneficial in promoting self-worth.

Healing: Detoxifies body, blood, lymph,helps heart, kidneys & reproductive organs.

Chakra: Base & Sacral